What is Generative Design?-Getting started
Course overview
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What is Generative Design?-Week 1 overview
Week 1 overview
What is Generative Design?-How can we utilize Generative Design?
What is Generative Design
Comparing Shape Optimization to Generative Design
What is Generative Design?-Basics of 3D Modeling in Fusion 360
The Fusion 360 User Interface
The basics of sketching
Creating solid bodies from sketches
Understanding Bodies and Components
How to collaborate and comment on designs
What is Generative Design?-Creating the Regions for a Design to Avoid
Reviewing a traditional design
Creating Obstacle Geometry for Walls
Creating Obstacle Geometry for Shelf and Hardware
Changing the appearance of a component or body
What is Generative Design?-Creating the Regions to Keep in a Design
How to identify preserve regions
Creating preserve regions for the hardware
What is Generative Design?-Week 1: Practice exercise 1
Practice exercise 1 video instructions
Practice exercise 1 instructions
Practice exercise 1 solution
What is Generative Design?-Week 1: Practice exercise 2
Practice exercise 2 video instructions
Practice exercise 2 instructions
Practice exercise 2 solution
What is Generative Design?-Week 1: Practice exercise 3
Practice exercise 3 video instructions
Practice exercise 3 instructions
Practice exercise 3 solution
What is Generative Design?-Week 1: Challenge exercise
Week 1 Challenge exercise
Defining a Generative Setup-Getting started
Week 2 overview
Defining a Generative Setup resources
Defining a Generative Setup-Defining a Generative Study’s Objectives and Settings
Generative Design workspace overview
Generative Design Study Settings
Selecting Study Materials
Defining Generative Objectives
Defining a Generative Setup-Using Edit Model to work on Obstacles and Preserves
Using the Edit Model Workspace to mirror geometry
Defining Obstacle Regions
Defining Preserve Regions
Defining a Generative Setup-Setting up Loads and Constraints
Setting up the first load case
Picking a manufacturing method
Defining a Generative Setup-Solving Generative Design Outcomes
Using the Previewer
Solving a Generative Study
Viewing a Generative Outcome Live
Defining a Generative Setup-Week 2: Practice exercise 1
Practice exercise 1 video instructions
Practice exercise 1 instructions
Practice exercise 1 solution
Defining a Generative Setup-Week 2: Practice exercise 2
Practice exercise 2 video instructions
Practice exercise 2 instructions
Practice exercise 2 solution
Defining a Generative Setup-Week 2: Practice exercise 3
Practice exercise 3 video instructions
Practice exercise 3 instructions
Practice exercise 3 solution
Defining a Generative Setup-Week 2: Challenge excercise
Week 2 Challenge exercise
Working with Generative Design Outcomes-Getting started
Week 3 overview
Working with Generative Design Outcomes resources
Working with Generative Design Outcomes-Viewing and Filtering Generative Design Outcomes
Learning the Explore User Interface
Options when viewing Outcomes
Selecting an Outcome Iteration
Working with Generative Design Outcomes-Creating a 3D Design from an Outcome
Creating a 3D Design
Viewing and editing a design
Creating a distributed design
Viewing an Export Mesh Design
Working with Generative Design Outcomes-Collaboration and Sharing of Design Outcomes
Invite a user to collaborate
Create a share link
Working with Generative Design Outcomes-Week 3: Practice exercise 1
Practice exercise 1 video instructions
Practice exercise 1 instructions
Practice exercise 1 solution
Working with Generative Design Outcomes-Week 3: Practice exercise 2
Practice exercise 2 video instructions
Practice exercise 2 instructions
Practice exercise 2 solution
Working with Generative Design Outcomes-Week 3: Practice exercise 3
Practice exercise 3 video instructions
Practice exercise 3 instructions
Practice exercise 3 solution
Working with Generative Design Outcomes-Week 3: Challenge excercise
Week 3 Challenge exercise
Post Process a Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing-Getting started
Week 4 overview
Post Process a Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing resources
Post Process a Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing-Basics of Form Tools
Creating a box primitive
Using Edit Form
Creasing and Uncreasing edges
Freeze and Unfreeze
Additional form tools
Post Process a Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing-Controlling the Interface of a Generative Outcome and Preserve Regions
Exploring a design timeline
Unfreezing and editing geometry
Manipulating a form with erase and fill
Manually patching a form body
Changing the display of a form body
Post Process a Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing-Finalizing a Design for Additive Manufacturing
Adding design comments for manufacturing
Exporting an STL
Post Process a Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing-Week 4: Practice exercise 1
Practice exercise 1 video instructions
Practice exercise 1 instructions
Practice exercise 1 solution
Post Process a Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing-Week 4: Practice exercise 2
Practice exercise 2 video instructions
Practice exercise 2 instructions
Practice exercise 2 solution
Post Process a Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing-Week 4: Practice exercise 3
Practice exercise 3 video instructions
Practice exercise 3 instructions
Practice exercise 3 solution
Post Process a Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing-Week 4: Challenge exercise
Week 4 Challenge exercise
Week 3 resources-cUJNJJntEemXNA7FNsXJBg.zip
(45.7 MB)
Week 4 resources-AZjVRZnuEemXNA7FNsXJBg.zip
(52.0 MB)
Week 1 resources-_C3qxJnsEem6eRJ2yLMynA.zip
(243 KB)
(117 KB)
Week 2 resources-JuC03pntEemRfw7JJ0OZYA.zip
(811 KB)
(218 KB)