Writing and testing an algorithm: taking orders and the order matching engine, part 1-1.0 Introduction to the course
Introduction to the fourth course in the specialisation
Course syllabus
Getting ready for this course
Reading material for this course
Writing and testing an algorithm: taking orders and the order matching engine, part 1-1.1 Coding workshop: separating the orders into bids and asks and printing stats per product.
Introduction to separating orders by type, product and time
Set up the OrderBook class
Basic OrderBook class implementation
Implement the constructor and integrate to MerkelMain
Implement getKnownProducts with a map
Implement getOrders
Implement get low and high stats
Summing up our work on the order book
How to back-up your Visual Studio Code work
Writing and testing an algorithm: taking orders and the order matching engine, part 1-1.2 Coding workshop: dealing with time
Working with time
Setting up earliest time
Moving through time
Printing stats for current time window
Writing and testing an algorithm: taking orders and the order matching engine, part 1-1.3 Concept workshop: iterating over vectors and memory
Iterating over vectors and memory
Writing and testing an algorithm: taking orders and the order matching engine, part 1-1.4 Weekly assessment (week 1)
End of week 1
Writing and testing an algorithm: taking orders and the order matching engine, part 2-1.5 Coding workshop: allowing the user to place bids and asks
How will we retrieve data from the user for an OrderBookEntry?
Read a line from the user, part 1
Read a line from the user, part 2
Making it robust
Introduction to inserting the order into the order book
The code to insert the order into the order book
Writing and testing an algorithm: taking orders and the order matching engine, part 2-1.6 Coding workshop: implementing the matching engine
Information about the matching algorithm
Converting the pseudocode into C++
Preparing for testing
Doing testing
Writing and testing an algorithm: taking orders and the order matching engine, part 2-1.8 Summary
Getting ready for the next course
Course summary