Making informed business decisions
1. Time Value of Money and Risk-Adjusted Interest Rates
Understanding the time value of money
Time value of money: Applying these ideas
Overview of time value of money terms
Computing the time value of money
2. Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
Future cash flows and buying a car
Basic idea: Cash flows, timing, and risk
Risk and interest rates
Forecasting cash flows
Simple discounted cash flow valuation example
3. Capital Budgeting: NPV and IRR
Introducing capital budgeting
Capital budgeting overview
The internal rate of return (IRR)
Example: Buying a car in Hong Kong, changing forecasted cash flows
Example: Buying a doughnut machine
4. Practice: Cash Flows by Item or by Year?
Cash flows for Lily Company Machine
Calculate NPV and IRR
Spreadsheet analysis: Analyzing cash flows by item and year
5. Practice: Working Capital Plus Income Taxes
The opportunity cost of cash under the mattress
The time value cost of a working capital requirement
Income taxes: After-tax cash flows from revenues and expenses
Income taxes: The value of the depreciation tax shield
Computing NPV and IRR with all the complexities
Spreadsheet analysis: Sensitivity to changes in estimates
Capital budgeting helps structure your thinking
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