What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
1. Camera Raw Workflow and Tools
Choosing workflow tools: Bridge, Camera Raw, Photoshop, and Lightroom
Opening images in Camera Raw via Bridge and Photoshop
Working between Camera Raw and Photoshop
Working between Camera Raw and Lightroom
Understanding Camera Raw's non-destructive tools
RGB versus CMYK color adjustments
2. Evaluating Color in Camera Raw
Evaluating overall tone and color
Evaluating overall brightness and contrast
Identifying color casts by the numbers
Finding and evaluating neutral areas
Evaluating skin tones
Challenge: Evaluating color cast as well as brightness and contrast
3. Correcting Color in Camera Raw
Correcting highlight and shadow areas
Fine-tuning brightness and contrast
Warming and cooling
Making white balance adjustments
Adjusting color using tone curves
Adjusting skin tones
Shooting and correcting product photography
Quick and easy target-based color adjustments
Target-based adjustments by the numbers
Adjusting poor exposure
Working with difficult images
Adjusting tricky images
Applying creative adjustments
Adjusting multiple images
Challenge: Identifying and correcting a color cast
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