Adobe XD Quick Tips Weekly
Toggle switch
Animated charts
Expanding card
Music player
2. Adobe XD Quick Tips Weekly
Component presentations
Animated card gallery
Navigation bar
Animated FAB menu
Scrolling simulation
3D card flip animation
Number counter
Hover-triggered image gallery (states)
Mobile stories experience
Pull-to-refresh interaction
Interactive heart component
Animated progress indicators
Swipe to delete interaction
3. Adobe XD Quick Tips Weekly
Action menus within repeat grids
Quickly create and rearrange navigation links using Stacks
Design with data using Google Sheets
Add audio playback to your prototypes
Overriding components in your repeat grids
Add avatars to your projects with UI Faces
Create animated check box components
Create a shopping cart pop-up component
Prototype an animated search interaction
Create an animated settings icon
Navigating components with keypad triggers
Adding textures to your designs
Create a product widget with multiple color options
4. Adobe XD Quick Tips Weekly
Prototype an animated record button
Using the Super Ellipse plugin
Masking images inside text layers
Grouping artboards with multiple flows
Organizing your document assets
Adding videos to your Adobe XD projects
Adding Lottie animations to your Adobe XD projects
Create hover states with videos
Add motion overlays using videos
Using the LottieFiles plugin
Enlarging vector objects using 3D transforms