Thread-safe data with concurrent collections
What you should know
How to access the sample code on GitHub
1. Defining the Problem
Collections and threads
Use Queue with single thread
Use Queue with multiple threads
Debug the Queue multiple-thread problem
2. Deconstruct the .NET Queue Class
Re-implement the sample with custom class
Examine the ExampleQueue code
3. Using Thread-Safe Code with Standard Collections
Rewrite the code to support thread locks
Use a lock statement and mutex to make thread-safe
Why locking is not a good solution
How the concurrent collections are better
4. Overview of Thread-Safe Collections
Compare standard and concurrent collections
Categories of collections
5. Work with the ConcurrentDictionary Class
Create a dictionary
Use TryAdd to add an item
Use TryRemove to remove an item
The GetOrAdd method to get or add an item
6. Updating Data in ConcurrentDictionary
Review the updated example application
Potential problems with updating an item
Use TryUpdate to update dictionary value
Use a while loop with TryUpdate
Use the AddOrUpdate method
Why ICollection and other interfaces are not thread-safe
Inspect your APIs for ICollection usage
7. Work with the Producer-Consumer Collections
Overview of the producer-consumer collections
Work with ConcurrentQueue
Work with the ConcurrentStack
Work with the ConcurrentBag
8. Using the BlockingCollection
Understand the BlockingCollection
Use the BlockingCollection with ConcurrentQueue
Use the CompleteAdding method
Use other collections with BlockingCollection
Read items with multiple consumers
Create items with multiple producers
Continuing Your Journey
Next steps