Terraform in the real world
What you should know
Terraform review and terminology
Downloading the exercise files
1. Red30 Consulting Client Use Case
Terraform usage scenario
AWS and tools setup
Designing AWS infrastructure
Terraform configuration structure and variables
Terraform configuration networking and EC2 instance
Deploying the basic configuration
Review deployed resources
Removing AWS resources manually
2. Advanced Terraform Concepts
Variables in Terraform
List and map variables
Object variables
Challenge: Variables
Solution: Variables
Setting variable values
Terraform output variables
Expressions in Terraform
Functions in Terraform
Using the count and for_each meta-arguments
Using Terraform modules
Terraform module example
3. Developing an Application Infrastructure with Terraform
Terraform remote state
Deploying backend resources
Deploying a remote state configuration
Managing complex configurations
Multiple environment configurations
Deploying multiple environment configurations
Creating custom modules
4. Terraform Automation
Automation and CI/CD with Terraform
Using Jenkins with Terraform
Setting up Terraform Cloud
Using Terraform Cloud with the CLI
Using Terraform Cloud with GitHub, part 1
Using Terraform Cloud with GitHub, part 2
Continuing with Terraform