Exercise files
1. Render Settings and Output Modules
Using render settings templates
Creating custom render settings templates
Sharing render settings templates
Using output module templates
Creating custom output module templates
Sharing output module templates
Setting the default render and output settings
Using multiple output modules
Render with transparency
2. Rendering with Adobe Media Encoder (AME)
Sending items to AME for background rendering
Creating custom output templates
Advice for working with Adobe Media Encoder
3. Controlling RAM
Setting RAM usage
Controlling cache size
Purging RAM
Using performance disk cache
Checking processor and RAM details
4. Controlling Disk and Media Cache
Using a disk cache
Choosing the right drive for your cache
The role of conformed media cache
Cleaning the media cache database and drives periodically
5. Effective Preview Strategies
Creating RAM previews
Saving RAM previews
Setting the work area
Using the region of interest
6. Strategies That Impact Render Time
Controlling composition settings
Adjusting motion blur
Using proxy files
Use adjustment layers
Collecting files
Render and email
Including a project link
Post-render actions
Render and replace dynamic linked compositions
7. Creating a Render Farm
What is network rendering?
Setting up a watch folder
Creating a still image sequence with multiple machines
(653.4 MB)