Algorithmic trading
1. The Basics of Securities Markets
Basics of stocks
Basics of stock markets
Basics of trading stocks
Algorithms and the financial industry
Algorithms in Excel
Data analytics and algorithms
Stocks and the Fed
Big data in finance
Predicting values with regressions
Stocks and trading in practice
2. Investing and Securities
Gen AI and algo trading
Stationarity and the VIX
Case study: ETF pairs trading with algorithms (OIH and XOP)
Case study: Dual share class pairs trading (VIA and VIA.B)
Common quantitative rules and strategies
Visually examining trading relationships
3. Building Algorithms
Gathering data for an algorithm
Designing an algorithm
Testing algorithm accuracy
Algorithm profitability and trading decisions
Economic data and stock correlations
Predicting economic variables
Advanced algorithms
Evaluating models
4. Using Trading Algorithms
Buying and selling with an algorithm
Expanding the algorithm to other securities
Scenario analysis in investing
5. The Evolution of Trading
Algo trading services for individual investors
Find trading strategies in research literature
Short-term vs. long-term quantitative strategies
Social media and drawing data from online platforms
Does algo trading work?
Algo trading in practice: Who uses it?
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