Amazon EC2: Load balancers
1. Classic Load Balancers
Introduction to Elastic Load Balancing
Introduction to Classic Load Balancer
Configuring Classic Load Balancers
Setting up Linux servers
Setting up Windows servers
Registering instances with the load balancer
Cross-zone load balancing
Sticky sessions
Prevent direct access to Registered Instances
2. Application Load Balancers
Introduction to Application Load Balancer
Setting up servers
Setting up target groups
Setting up the ALB
Adding target groups to the ALB
3. Network Load Balancers
Introduction to Network Load Balancers
Setting up servers
Configuring Network Load Balancers
Configuring multiple listeners
Application Load Balancer vs. Network Load Balancer
4. Auto Scaling
Introduction to Auto Scaling
Creating a load balancer
Creating a launch configuration
Creating a launch template
Configuring an Auto Scaling group
Manual scaling
Dynamic scaling
Target tracking scaling policy
Simple scaling policy
Step scaling policy
Scheduled scaling
Lifecycle hooks
Configuring lifecycle hooks