What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
1. Introduction: Using Elevations In AutoCAD
Using 2D elevations in AutoCAD
Using 3D elevations in AutoCAD
The purpose of elevations in AutoCAD
2. Setting Up for 2D Elevations
Setting up an accurate 2D plan
Setting up a construction lines layer
Using construction lines to develop the elevations
Isolating the elevations in modelspace
3. Setting Up Layers and Hatches
Setting up the elevation layers
Applying the elevation layers
Working with hatches on the 2D elevation
Apply background colors to hatch patterns
Changing transparency of background color
Adding annotation
4. Annotating the 2D Elevation
Setting up a new dimension layer
Setting up an annotative dimension style
Setting the annotation scale
Dimensioning the plan and 2D elevation
5. Adding 2D Elevations to the Layout
Setting up an elevation viewport
Positioning the elevation in the viewport
Setting the viewport scale
Setting the annotation scale
Freezing viewport layers
6. Setting Up for 3D Elevations
Setting up an accurate 3D model
Setting up your modelspace viewports
Setting visual styles
Using the View Manager
7. Developing the 3D Elevations
Creating named views with the View Manager
Setting the viewport scale
Using visual styles
Setting the annotation scale
Adding annotation
8. Adding 3D Elevations to the Layout
Setting multiple elevation viewports
Positioning the elevation in the viewports
Setting the viewport scale
Setting the annotation scale
Freezing viewport layers
9. Printing 2D and 3D Elevations
Setting up a page setup
Positioning viewports effectively
Setting viewports effectively
Publishing multiple elevation layouts
(1.9 MB)