What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
The new AutoCAD 2019 interface
1. Introduction to Annotation Scaling in AutoCAD
What is annotation scaling in AutoCAD?
Why use annotation scaling?
How do you use annotation scaling effectively?
2. Objects That Can Be Annotatively Scaled
Multiline text
Blocks and attributes
Dimensions and dimension styles
Geometric tolerances
Multileaders and multileader styles
3. Text and Annotation Scaling
Setting up a text layer
Single-line text
Multiline text
Text styles
Annotation scales and viewport scales
4. Blocks and Annotation Scaling
Working with layer 0
Setting up an annotative block
Setting up an annotative attribute
Inserting blocks and attributes into the drawing
Managing annotative attributes
5. Hatches and Annotation Scaling
Setting up a hatch layer
Setting a hatch to be annotative
Annotation scales and viewport scales
6. Dimensions and Annotation Scaling
Using a dimensioning layer
Setting up a dimensioning text style
Making the dimension style annotative
Placing the annotative dimensions
Adding and deleting annotative scales
7. Tolerances and Annotation Scaling
Setting up a tolerances layer
Setting up the tolerances style
Adding tolerances to the drawing
Annotation scales and viewport scales
Adding and deleting annotative scales
8. Multileaders and Annotation Scaling
Using the dimensions layer for multileaders
Setting the multileader style
Placing annotative multileaders
Adding and deleting annotative scales
9. Using DWG Compare (AutoCAD 2019 Only)
The DWG compare command
Generating a comparison drawing
Comparing your annotation scaling
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