Storing objects in the cloud
What you should know
Setting up an AWS account
1. S3 Basics
AWS S3 console
Creating your first S3 bucket
Saving your first object
Working with IAM permissions
S3 configuration options
Introducing the Amazon CLI
Configuring the Amazon CLI
Creating a bucket: mb
Working with single files: cp, mv, rm
Working with directories: ls, sync
Presigned URLs
Challenge: Scripted operation
Solution: Scripted operation
3. AWS SDK for Python
Setting up an basic Python script
Installing the SDK Boto3
Creating a bucket
Binary object manipulation
Bucket manipulation
Bucket security
Presigning URLs
Deleting a bucket
Challenge: Python SDK operations
Solution: Python SDK operations
4. AWS SDK for Java
Java: Basic setup
Creating a bucket
Binary object manipulation
Bucket manipulation
Bucket and file security
Presigning URLs
Deleting a bucket
Challenge: Java SDK operations
Solution: Java SDK operations
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