Why security matters for developers
What you should know
1. Control Access to Azure
Azure Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
Grant role based access to a user
Azure RBAC roles for development
The contributor role
The User Access Administrator and Owner roles
Custom Azure RBAC roles
Create custom Azure RBAC roles
Management pane vs data pane RBAC roles
Challenge: Design Azure access control
Solution: Design Azure access control design
2. Control user access to your apps
Register an application to Azure AD
Web application sign in with Azure AD
Securing web application authentication with Azure AD Conditional Access
The Microsoft Authentication Library
Challenge: Internal web app with Azure AD
Solution: Internal web application with Azure AD
3. Control app access to your data
Manage Azure application secrets
Shared Access Signatures in Azure
Azure Key Vault service
Adding secrets to an Azure Key Vault
Azure Key Vault Access Policies
Audit logs
Managed Identity for Azure Resources
Challenge: Design data access controls
Solution: Design data access controls
Developing solutions for Azure and beyond
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