Designing a strategy: Azure for DevOps
What you should know
1. Preparing for DevOps
Setting timelines and goals
Selecting a project to use
Identify and define metrics and KPIs
2. Working with Teams and Organizations
Defining an organization structure
Define team structure
Define team collaboration strategy
Team mentoring strategies
3. Design an Agile Work Management Approach
Review agile development practices
Select a process for agile practices
4. Design a Quality Strategy for Development
Understand and implement feature flags
Understand and manage technical debt
Performing code reviews
Define a performance testing strategy
5. Design Secure Development Practices
Define a code compliance strategy
Define an infrastructure compliance strategy
Define a code security strategy
Define an infrastructure security strategy
6. Design a Tool and Migration Strategy
Create a license management strategy
Integrating and migrating work item tools
Integrating and migrating test management tools
Define authorization and access policies
Course review and next steps