Use Bash to pull data in seconds
What you should know
1. Shell Globs
What are globs?
Shell expansion order
Character sets
The effect of locale on searches
Character classes
Shell globbing options
2. Shell Extended Globbing
What are extended globs?
Why you should use extended globs
Make extended globs persistent
Getting started with extended globs
Pattern matching with extended globs
Using extended globs with commands
Comparing extended globs with regular expressions
3. Shell Brace Expansion
What is brace expansion?
Using brace expansion for patterns
4. Introduction to Regular Expressions
What are regular expressions?
Why aren't regexes consistent?
Basic vs. Extended Regular Expressions
Regex support in command line tools
Matching characters and words
Specifying occurrences
Alternation and grouping
Back references and subexpressions
5. Use Bash Extended Regexes
Regexes in if conditionals
Challenge: Regex to find credit card numbers
Solution: Regex to find credit card numbers
6. Grep EREs and PCREs
Using regular expressions with grep
Perl compatible regexes with grep
Performance optimizing grep searches
Challenge: Create a regex to find telephone numbers
Solution: Create a regex to find telephone numbers
7. Use sed Regexes
Using sed
Using extended regexes in sed
Challenge: Create a regex to find IPv4 addresses
Solution: Create a regex to find IPv4 addresses
8. Use AWK Extended Regexes
Using regexes in AWK
Pattern matching differences in AWK
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