What you should know
Using the exercise files
1. Setting Up the Infrastructure
Demo application overview
Architectural overview
Download and install Node
Creating and configuring the Angular 2 project
2. Displaying Data in Angular 2
Creating the component
Show our data
Refining your layout with Angular Material
3. Getting Your Data from Node
Set up express
Create a service
Updating Angular to get data from your service
4. Saving Your Data to Node
Create a post service
Save data to a list
Creating an express router
5. Creating a Form in Angular
Creating the component
Get our input data
Communicate between multiple components with Output and ViewChild
Create a data store in our service
Handle errors with try or catch
6. Navigating with Router
Create a nav bar
Set up routes
Add a messages route
Pass a route parameter
Retrieve a route parameter
7. Reactive Programming
HTTP get with Observable
Broadcast an event with a subject
Observables and the async pipe
8. Creating Reactive Forms in Angular
Create a register layout
Reactive forms with FormBuilder
Validate with reactive forms
Validate passwords with a custom validator
Validate emails with a custom validator
9. Registering Users
Create an Angular auth service
Create a node register service
Authenticate with JSON web tokens
Store a token with Angular
Implement an authentication check
Log out
10. Logging In
Create an Angular login component
Create the login services
11. Authorizing Resources
Send a token with Angular HTTP requests
Create a security middleware
Edit user Info
Update message posting
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