How bots can change your life as a developer
What you should know
Using the exercise files
Get to know the course project
1. Creating a Slack Bot
Introducing Slack and its APIs
Setting up a Slack app and a bot user
Obtaining and setting credentials for Slack
Creating an endpoint for Slack events
Setting up a proxy with ngrok
Subscribing to events
Handling events and sending messages
2. Understanding Natural Language
Understanding natural language
Setting up WIT.AI
Training the model
Using the WIT API
Booking your first table via Slack
3. Creating Complex Conversations
Creating conversational flows
Creating a session management service
Preparing to add threaded sesssions
Creating sessions and threads on mentions
Handling threaded messages
Implementing a conversation service
Adding conversation awareness to slack
Training special and partial utterances
Handling greetings and good byes
4. Creating a Voice Bot with Alexa
Creating an Alexa skill
Creating an Alexa endpoint
Trying out and tuning the Alexa skill