What you should know
1. Setting Up the JSF Application
Setting up the IDE
Create an Eclipse project
Create the Model class
Create the Managed Bean class
Preparing employee list
Setup employee list
Create the Facelet Views
2. Configuring the Front End
Configure application source files
Build the UI components
Bind bean properties to components
Build main menu interface
3. Performing CRUD Operations
Display data with data-bound table components
Build the Add interface
Add a new item to the data list
Upload a file
Create edit view
Update an item in the data list
Delete an item from the data list
4. Localized Messages and Form Validation
Display messages with message and messages tags
Handle action events
Validate form data
5. Session Management and Authentication
Create the login managed bean class
Configure the session class
Set the session attribute
Manage session and permission across JSF pages
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