The power of React and ASP.NET MVC 5
What you should know
Set up the development environment
1. About ASP.NET MVC 5 and React
ASP.NET MVC 5, React, and full-stack app quick overview
Why React with ASP.NET MVC 5?
The React and ASP.NET MVC app we are building
2. Create the Back End
Scaffold a project with MVC 5
Add data models for Entity Framework
Add Entity Framework DbContext
Create controller methods for UI pages
Add register and login views
Test register and login features
3. Setup: A Service API for Data
Create a REST API controller
Add an action method to read records in JSON format
Add an action method to create records
4. Setup: TypeScript, IntelliSense, and webpack
The dev environment issue with React and Visual Studio 2015
Set up webpack, TypeScript, and configs
Set up React and type definitions and configs
5. Create the Front End with React
Add a React data model and state classes
Add a React component and fetch data
Render data as a grid of boxes
Add shopping cart functionality with React
Continuing to add shopping cart functionality
Handling events for React elements
Add React form component to submit data
Responsive UI and mobile friendliness
6. Secure the API
Understanding the API vulnerability
Secure the API with AuthorizeAttribute
7. Debugging and Testing
Debugging the front end and back end
Testing and completion
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