What you should know
Exercise files
1. Introduction to Generative Shape Design
What is a surface?
Workbenches for surface creation
Settings and options
2. Interface and Data Organization
Different meanings of hybrid design
Model tree organization
In work object and data organization
History and edits
3. Reference Elements and Curves
Point references
Line references
Plane references
Project and intersect parallel elements
Applying 3D circle and corner
Making 3D spline curves
4. Basic Surfaces
Extrude and revolve
Predefined surfaces: Cylinder and sphere
Making offset surfaces
Fill surfaces for odd shapes
Creating sweep surfaces
Basic surface exercise
5. Operations
Join together elements
Split and trim curves and surfaces
Boundary and extract
Using transformations
Extrapolate curves and surfaces
Shape fillet
Operations exercise
Operations and modifications exercise
6. Analysis
Connect checker
Porcupine analysis
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