Becoming an Autodesk Certified Professional: Civil 3D for Infrastructure Design
Using the exercise files
1. Points
Survey points and COGO points
Create COGO points
Specify point parameters
Point styles and point label styles
Rotate point markers
Manage point styles
Edit point properties
Add and edit point labels
Create and modify point groups
Change the point group display order
2. Parcels
About automatic parcel creation
Create a parcel from drawing objects
Create a parcel by layout
Create a parcel by subdividing
Associate a parcel with a site
About parcel labels
Create parcel labels
Define parcel styles
Create a parcel table
Convert a label to a tag
Rename and renumber parcels
Delete a parcel
3. Survey
Work with linework code sets
Utilize points in the survey database
Use the Traverse Editor
Use the figure prefix database
Perform a mapcheck analysis
4. Surfaces
About surface styles
About surfaces
About surface data
Define surface soundaries
Surface statistics
Work with TIN lines
Create and edit surface
Create a volume surface
Edit the surface definition
Create a TIN volume surface
Create surface labels
Create contour labels
About surface analysis
Configure a surface analysis
Perform a surface analysis
5. Grading
Create feature lines
Edit feature lines
Edit feature line elevations
Working with sites
Create and edit grading
Work with grading criteria
6. Alignments
Create an alignment from objects
Create offset alignments
Edit alignment constraints
Edit alignment geometry
Reverse the alignment direction
Apply widening to an alignment
Understanding alignment labels
Create alignment labels
Edit alignment labels
7. Profiles and Profile Views
Create a surface profile
Create a layout profile
Edit a layout profile
Understand the profile grid view
Create vertical curves
Edit profiles using grips
Understand profile views
Understand profile view projection
Create a profile view
Split a profile view
Understanding profile labels
Create profile labels
Edit profile labels
8. Corridors
Work with subassemblies and assemblies
Create a corridor
Add baselines to a corridor
Work with targets
Remove bowties
Rebuild corridors
Create objects from a corridor
9. Sample Lines and Section Views
Create sample lines
Configure a group plot style
Edit sample line groups
Create section views
Compute materials
10. Pipe Networks
Understanding gravity parts
Set the gravity part catalog location
Modify a gravity parts list
Create gravity pipe networks
Add gravity pipe networks to profile view
Change the pipe network flow direction
Annotate gravity pipe networks
Modify a pressure parts list
Set the pressure part catalog location
Create a pressure network
Add a pressure network to profile view
Annotate pressure pipe networks
11. Plan Production
Use the Text Component Editor
Change the dragged state of a label
Apply a label set to an object
Create view frames
Insert match lines
Create sheets
12. Data Management
Data shortcut vs. external reference
About data shortcuts
Create a data reference
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