Cinema 4D for motion graphics artists
Before you begin this course
Setting up C4D
If you're using Cinema 4D S24
1. What Are Motion Graphics?
What are motion graphics?
The motion graphics pipeline
Examples of work
Core concepts for 3D and motion graphics
2. MoGraph Basics and Animation Techniques
What is MoGraph?
Create and modify clones
Create and finesse animation
Timeline functions
Copying tracks and offsetting keyframes
Moving animated objects
Retiming animation with Time Tracks
3. Splines and Text
What are splines?
Work with Illustrator files in C4D
Spline modeling tools
Type tools
4. Working with Cameras
Camera basics
Create a camera animation
Morph between cameras
Control cameras with tags
5. Materials and Lights
Working with lights and materials
Manipulate materials on objects
Add imperfections with shaders
Volumetric lighting
Light with HDRIs
Light with objects and materials
6. The Power of MoGraph and Fields
What are Fields?
Reading a scene with Fields
Sharing Fields across Effectors
Group Fields and remap values
Work with Delay and Decay
Make selections with Fields
Use MoGraph tags with Fields
Use Masks and Subfields
Create organic growth patterns
7. Dynamics and Field Forces
Working with Dynamics
What are Field Forces?
Control C4D particles with Field Forces
Advanced particle simulations
8. Rendering and Compositing for Motion Graphics
Compositing tag
Common render settings
Create preview renders
Work with takes
Set up multipass renders
The AEC workflow
9. Challenge
Challenge overview
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