COBOL is alive and well
Are you ready to get started?
What is JCL?
1. Getting Started
Solution: Calculate BMI
Set up a COBOL environment
Download and install WSL
Get started with Visual Studio Code
Learn COBOL syntax
Code a Hello World program
Obtain input from the user
Challenge: Calculate BMI
2. Handling Data in COBOL
COBOL naming standards
How to define types of data
Comp-3 data types
Literal and figurative constants
Editing characters for writing reports
Challenge: Create a sales commission report
Solution: Commission report solution
3. Verbs, Decisions, and Looping
Introduction to verbs
Computational verbs
Conditional expressions
Perform statement
Perform thru
Perform times
Challenge: Write code to simulate a cash register
Solution: Simulated cash register
4. Working with Files
File organization and access methods
Reading sequential files
File error checking
Writing records to a sequential file
Challenge: Process payroll
Solution: Sample program to process payroll
5. Advance Sequential Files
Inserting records in a master data file
Updating records in a master file
Sorting records in COBOL
Merging records in COBOL
Challenge: Merge two employee files
Solution: Create a master employee file
6. Indexed and Relative Files
Direct access files in COBOL
Relative files in COBOL
Indexed files in COBOL
Challenge: Create an indexed file
Solution: Solution for creating an indexed file
7. Tables in COBOL
Using tables in COBOL
Creating tables from an input file
Searching tables in COBOL
Challenge: Create table of weather data
Solution: Search table of weather data
8. String Handling
Inspecting strings in COBOL
Using the string command in COBOL
Using the unstring command in COBOL
9. Troubleshooting
Watch for numeric overflow in variables
How to read code and find logic errors
Finding answers to your COBOL questions
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