Ben Long: Creativity Is a Skill
What is creativity?
What is an impulse?
The start of an idea
Impulse roadblock
Tying up your rational self
Lost in the noise
Nothing to fear but...
A taxonomy of creative fears
Antidotes to creative fears
Creativity and self-confidence
Creativity as a practice
Amy Wynne: Obstacles and Antidotes
The creative cycle
Connection through meditation
Journaling for self-reflection
Trust the process
Multitasking vs. monotasking
The joy of letting go
Engagement through ritual
Natural curiosity
Bring back boredom
Don't think too much
Connect to your senses
Pure perception
Stefan Mumaw: Hands-On Exercises to Boost Creativity
There's no one right creative process
Problem-solve with relevance and novelty
Restriction in the creative process
Remove implied restrictions
Document to promote novelty
Divergent vs. convergent thinking
Others' opinions in the creative process
Start from scratch
Everyday inspiration
Unexpected associations
Novelty is worth the effort!
Denise Jacobs: Hacking the Creative Brain
Creativity is our natural state
Tap into your imagination
Relax your brain
Our creative brains are always active
Put your relaxed brain to work
Remove distractions
Silence your inner critic
Laugh yourself creative
Get your creative brain moving
Embody creativity
Incubate ideas by immersion
Experiment yourself creative
Set the stage for flow
Intend inspiration
See with new eyes
Engage in a dialogue
Be bad on purpose
Expand your inspiration input
Actively embrace boredom
Julian Velard: The Craft of Creativity
How do I start?
Inspiration is a child
Evolving your process
Stop making sense
The brain likes to build
When you're out of gas, you're out of gas
Creator versus editor
Clarity is everything
How to know when you are done
The rules of sharing your work
Do it all again
James Krause: Creative Cross-Training
What is creative cross-training?
A notebook and pens
Cameras teach art
Taking photos vs. making photos
Brainstorm yourself
Learning aesthetics
Bite-sized writing projects
Amalgamate: Now!
How vital is vitality?
Great movies for creative inspiration
Master the mini movie
Be a shriner
Show it off
Tracey Clark: Everyday Creativity
Introducing creativity into your daily life
Everyday creativity begins with what you wear
The details are in the accessories
Culinary creativity
Creating with table-setting ambiance
Display creativity in your home decor
Add creative touches with wall art
Life enrichment through homemaking
Creativity in the garden
Creativity with plants and flowers
Finding creativity with writing
Enrich your life with music
Find creativity with photography
Find creativity with crafts and hobbies
Bring creativity into planning a celebration
Creativity with thoughtful gift-giving
Bring your creative self into relationships
Plan travel with creativity
Nurture creativity with movement
Add creative spirit to your spiritual practice
George Maestri: The Creative Mind
Until something is created, you are not creative
Create new brain patterns to create new ideas
Get more dots to connect
Feed the brain, then give it time to digest
Think inside the box
Change the process
Create by subtracting
Do things for the first time
They're just ideas; don't marry them
Meditation to help creativity
Stop thinking and start doing
Get out of your own way and into flow
Be consistent
Fitting in is overrated