Supercharge your CSS
Exercise files
Using GitHub Codespaces with this course
1. Working With CSS
Should I normalize or reset my CSS?
Write better CSS with stylelint
2. Container Tips
The vw unit is a bit of a mixed blessing
Consistent sizing with box-sizing: border-box
Logical box properties instead of top, right, bottom, left
Writing modes
Horizontal and vertical alignment in any container
Maintain aspect ratio in containers and images
How the clear property works
Move over clearfix: Clearing with flow-root
3. Typography
px, em, and rem units explained
Set natural line lengths with the ch unit
Responsive sizing with min(), max(), and clamp()
Add a drop cap to your text
Truncate text length and number of lines of text
Style text selection and highlighting
Making sense of the line-height property
4. Custom Properties
Custom properties with default values
Nesting custom properties to create functions
Create light or dark mode with custom properties
Sidebar: hsla() colors are just better
5. Layout
Should you use grid, flex, or float?
Add gaps and gutters to grid and flex
Pseudo-elements are true grid and flex items
Putting things on top of one another using grid
Fixed and sticky elements