What you should know
How to use the exercise files
1. Building a Chat System
Overview of ZeroMQ
Primary concepts
Warm-up exercise: Single-file application
2. Requests and Replies
Sync vs. async two-way messaging
Heartbeating – keeping track of peers
Exercise 1a: Setting up the server
Exercise 1b: Setting up the client
3. Broadcasting Messages
Topically filtered one-way messaging
Notifications – sharing information
Exercise 2a: Publishing arrival/departure notices
Exercise 2b: Subscribing to arrival/departure notices
4. Combining Channels
Slipping one-way messages into a two-way channel
Exercise 3a: Extending the server to relay group messages
Exercise 3b: Extending the client to send group messages
5. Sidebar: Troubleshooting
Basic checklist for when things aren't working
Extra exercise: Implementing a socket monitor
6. Extending Protocols
Solving problems with messages versus adding new channels
Exercise 4: Extending the client and server to support direct messages
Going further
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