1. Which Frame Size Should I Use?
Frame size recommendations
2. Which Frame Rate Should I Shoot?
Exploring frame rate choices
Frame rate recommendations
Mixing frame rates
3. What Is the Impact of Compression?
Understanding color loss
Understanding detail loss
4. What Is Aspect Ratio?
Understanding aspect ratio
Why shoot 16:9?
5. Can I Crop Video?
Exploring the action-safe area
Composition matters
6. Why Is My Shot Too Dark?
The exposure triangle for low light
Adjusting aperture
Adjusting ISO
Adjusting shutter speed
7. How Do I Master Exposure?
The exposure triangle
Evaluating the settings
8. How Do I Master Aperture?
What is aperture?
A DP's perspective on aperture
Adjusting aperture
Evaluating the shots
9. How Do I Master Shutter Speed?
What is shutter speed?
A DP's perspective on shutter speed
Adjusting shutter speed
Evaluating the shots
10. How Do I Master ISO?
What is ISO?
A DP's perspective on ISO
Adjusting ISO
Evaluating the shots
11. How Do I Control Exposure Beyond the Camera Settings?
Controlling exposure beyond camera settings
Adding light
Adding filtration
12. What Causes Rolling Shutter?
What is rolling shutter?
Avoiding rolling shutter
13. What Is Moiré?
Moiré explained
Avoiding moiré
14. Why Does My Footage Jitter?
Shutter speed explained
15. How Can I Check My Focus?
How can I check my focus?
Zooming in
Using a target
Using autofocus at the start
16. How Should I Manage My Cards in the Field?
How should I manage my cards in the field?
Using card wallets
Mirroring your data
17. How Do I Transfer My Footage?
How do I transfer my footage?
Monitoring your footage
18. How Do I Achieve Critical Focus?
Achieving critical focus
Punching in on Live View mode
Using a loupe
Using autofocus before the shot
Using a monitor
Changing the aperture
19. How Can I Read a Waveform Monitor and Vectorscope in the Field?
Reading the histogram
Reading a waveform monitor
Reading a vectorscope
20. How Do I Prepare for a Multicamera Shoot?
Preparing for a shoot with multiple DSLR cameras
Scouting the location
Lighting for multiple cameras
A DP's perspective on multicamera lighting
Matching cameras
21. How Do I Do a Multicamera Shoot?
Doing a shoot with multiple DSLR cameras
Positioning the cameras
Syncing the cameras
Directing the shoot