The economy around you
1. Basic Concepts
Academic versus business economics
Economics and the 80/20 rule
The only calculus concept you ever need
Forecast models
Variables and forecast models
Correlation is not causation
Economics data frequency
Markets are interrelated
2. Common Data Issues
The economic importance of consistency with currency data
Percentages and levels in economic data
Adjusted data
Time and collection differences in economic data
Creating good economic data
Being too certain in your forecasts
Choosing the right data analysis program
3. Economic Data and Reports
Economic reports
Benefits and problems with government data
Secret sources for economic data info
4. Markets
Commodities are bought and not sold
Legal and illegal insider trading
Technical trading
5. The Dollar and Monetary Policy
Currency markets and values
Reserve currencies
Why dollars?
What is seigniorage?
Quantiative easing
Devaluing currency
Central bank policy and economics strategy
Government debt
Debt to GDP
6. The Importance of Housing on Economics
The importance of housing for the economy
Delinquencies and foreclosures
What is a housing crisis?
How to respond to a housing crisis
Opportunities in a housing crisis
After the housing crisis
Takeaways and more resources
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