1. Sorting Data
Sort concepts and Sort menu options
Multiple-key sorting
Sort from AZ and ZA menu icons
Sort based on data order in custom lists
Sort by background color or font color
Sort left-to-right columns
Sort data in random order
2. Filtering Data
Filter single- and multiple-column text
Numeric filters
Date filters
Text filters
Top 10 (value or percent) option
Create custom filters
Copy and sort filtered lists
Recognize standard filtering limitations
3. Advanced Filter
Advanced Filter for complex OR criteria
Advanced Filter for specialized filters
Advanced Filter to create unique lists
4. Creating Automatic Subtotals in Sorted Lists
Single- and multiple-level subtotals
Expand and collapse displays with symbols
5. Eliminating Duplicate Data
Remove Duplicates command
Identify duplicate data
Count unique items using an array formula
6. Data Analysis Tools
SUMIF and COUNTIF and related functions
Database functions
Use tables for formatting and data-handling features
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