Part 1: Introduction
1. Data Visualization Best Practices
Key principles and the 10-second rule
The good, the bad, and the ugly
The three key questions
2. Customizing Charts in Excel
Setting expectations
Chart elements, layouts, colors, and styles
Chart formatting options
Changing chart types and axis options
Creating, modifying, and applying templates
3. Mastering Basic Charts and Graphs
Bar and column charts
Histograms and Pareto charts
Line charts and trendlines
Area charts
Pies, donuts, and race tracks
Scatter plots
Bubble charts
Box and whisker charts
Tree maps and sunburst charts
Waterfall charts
Funnel charts
Radar charts
Stock charts
Heat maps
Surface and contour charts
Geospatial maps (Power Map)
Basic combo charts
Wrapping Up
Part 1: Conclusion
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