Using the exercise files
1. Defining Your Story
Exploring different types of storytellers
Identifying story elements
Finding the essence of the story
2. Gathering Story Elements
Organizing footage into folders
Creating a disk image as a contained workspace
Importing folders and stills as keyword collections
3. Organizing Story Elements
Adding keywords to make clips accessible
Using favorite tags to call clips into action
Making notes to capture observations
Performing a complex search
Prepping clips for editing
4. Building a Primary Storyline
Finding the meat of the clips
Don't be puzzled over your first edit
Creating project versions and developing story diversity
Putting story threads in order
Sculpting the story within the timeline
5. Refining the Story
Trimming distractions from a story
Compounding thoughts into one primary story project
Evaluating the project for story content and pacing
Fine-tuning the edits in a project
Refining the primary sound bed
Organizing separate story segments into independent storylines
6. Previsualizing in Final Cut to Help Write Your Story
Storyboarding a narrative script using placeholders
Recording a narration track to explore script ideas
Changing pitch in a temporary narration track to identify different characters
Adding sound effects to create depth
7. Embellishing Your Story
Embellishing the story with cutaways to B-roll footage
Finessing cutaways to enhance the story
Editing and arranging a still-image storyline
Applying the Ken Burns effect to still images
Applying effects to enhance story elements
Altering your story's "look" using the Color Board
8. Moving the Story Along
Retiming to lengthen or shorten music and clips
Adding freeze frames to end or start sections
Video finishing touches
Audio finishing touches
(1.8 GB)