What you should know
1. Hello, Rust!
Hello, world!
Hello, Cargo!
2. Basic Programming Concepts
Variables and mutability
Scalar data types: Integers
Scalar data types: Floats
Compound data types: Tuples
Compound data types: Arrays
How functions work
Return a value from a function
Control flow: if/else
Control flow: While loops
Control flow: For loops
3. Ownership in Rust
Ownership principles
Ownership rules
Ownership: Memory allocation
References and borrowing
Race conditions
4. Data Handling and Pattern Matching in Rust
Using structs
Building structs using values
An example program using structs
Method syntax
Enums with multiple types
Pattern matching
5. Error Handling
Unrecoverable errors with panic!
Recoverable errors with Result introduction
Recoverable errors with Result demonstration
6. Sample Rust Project: The Guessing Game
Getting user input
Generating a secret number
Comparing guess to secret number
Allowing multiple guesses
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