Tame your email like a pro with Gmail
1. Get Started with Gmail
Tour the Gmail interface
Change inbox types
Change themes and use the sidebar
2. Send, Read, and Reply to Messages
Compose and draft a message
Reply to and forward a message
Send a secure email with confidential mode
Work with attachments in Gmail
Insert images into messages
View sent messages, trash, and spam
Snooze an email and view other shortcuts
Mute a conversation
3. Organize and Search Mail
Work with multiple messages at the same time
Create labels for messages and conversations
Move messages out of the inbox
Archive and delete messages in Gmail
Create stars to visually organize messages
Create filters to automatically process messages
Search your messages
Advanced search with operators
4. Manage Your Gmail Account and Settings
Add your other email accounts to Gmail
Explore Gmail settings
Create and edit contacts and groups
5. Use Chat and Collaboration Features
Use Google Hangouts and Meet
Explore Google Chat and Rooms
6. Other Gmail Features
Create an email template
Add a vacation responder
Create an email signature
7. Keyboard Shortcuts
Use keyboard shortcuts to navigate Gmail
Use keyboard shortcuts on messages
8. Other Paths to Get to Gmail
Access Gmail on a mobile device
Google: So much more than Gmail