Design and model bridges with InfraWorks
What you should know
Using the example files
1. Get Familiar with Bridges in InfraWorks
Model Builder and Road Recap
Prepare a road for parametric bridge design
Convert a component road into a bridge
2. Modify a Bridge in InfraWorks
Parametric bridge attributes
Work with bridge components
Explore the bridge components
Draw a bridge on a component road
Work with abutments
Work with girders
Work with bridge decks
3. Change Road Assembilies on Bridges
Add bridge decorations
Create an assembly for reuse
Apply an assembly to a bridge
Save a bridge as a custom component
4. Bridge Analysis
Work with a clearance envelope
Bridge quantities
Line girder analysis
5. Parametric Wizardry
Copy a parametric component in InfraWorks
Work with parametric components in InfraWorks and Inventor
Change a component in Inventor
Use the edited component
Share a bridge with Revit
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