Configure application servers with Java EE
Install the database
1. Tomcat and TomEE
Tomcat and TomEE differences
Install and set up Tomcat
Tomcat web console
Deploy WAR files in Tomcat
Add database drivers in Tomcat
Address missing JEE capabilities
Tomcat clustering
Pros and cons of Tomcat and TomEE
2. Oracle WebLogic
WebLogic overview
Install and set up WebLogic
WebLogic web console
Deploy WAR files in WebLogic
Identify MySQL issue
Prepare MySQL driver
Test the MySQL data source
WebLogic clustering and configuration
WebLogic pros and cons
3. WildFly and JBoss
JBoss versus WildFly
Install and set up WildFly
WildFly web console
Deploy WAR files in WildFly
Add database drivers in WildFly
Deploy datasource to domain
Pitfalls of standalone clustering
Domain mode clustering in WildFly
WildFly pros and cons
4. GlassFish and Payara
Payara versus GlassFish
Install and configure Payara
Payara web console
Deploy WAR files in Payara
Payara database configurations
Payara clusters
Prepare a remote instance
Configure the remote instance
Payara pros and cons
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