From code to production with Jenkins
What you should know
1. CI/CD
Continuous integration and deployment
Jenkins for continuous deployment
2. Jobs
Job or build: What's the difference?
Creating a job definition
Parameterizing a job
Creating multiple steps for a job
Adding scripts as a job step
3. Builds
Tracking build state
Polling SCM for build triggering
Connecting Jenkins to GitHub
Webhook build triggering
4. Agents and Distributing Builds
Adding an SSH build agent to Jenkins
Scaling builds with a cloud service
Using Docker images for agents
Configuring specific agents
5. Extending Jenkins
Adding plugins via plugin manager
Using shared libraries
6. Notifications
Notifications of build state
Build state badges for SCM
7. Testing
Code coverage tests and reports
Using test results to stop a build
Triggering builds via the REST API
Retrieving build status via the REST API
9. Security
Securing your deployment with users
Securing secret credentials and files
Auditing your environment
Using folders to create security realms
10. Artifacts
Creating and storing artifacts
Fingerprinting for artifact tracking
11. Pipelines
Automating deployment with pipelines
Creating pipeline gates
Job promotion for long-running pipelines
Multibranch repository automation
Creating pipelines with snippets
Discovering global pipeline variables
12. Best Practices
Distributing builds with agents
Automating tool installation on agents
Global libraries for pipelines
Jenkinsfile as code
Organizing jobs in views
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