Kubernetes for developers
Getting started with Kubernetes
1. Getting Started with Your Cluster
Running a local Kubernetes cluster with Minikube
Running your first container
Serving from your Pod
Exposing your Pod to the outside world
Handling ingress in Kubenetes
2. Exploring the Cluster
Taking a look around with kubectl
Viewing logs for pods
Remotely executing commands
A web view of the cluster with the Kubernetes Dashboard
3. Real-World Workloads
Orchestrating real-world workloads with deployments and StatefulSets
Safe upgrades with rolling updates and rollbacks
Batch processing with jobs and CronJobs
4. Teaching K8s about Your Service
Ensuring availability with liveness and readiness probes
Managing resource usage with requests and limits
The scheduler and influencing container placement
Node affinity and anti-affinity
The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
Providing configuration with ConfigMaps
Supplying sensitive data with Secrets
Keeping secure with network policies
Role-based access control in Kubernetes
Working with RBAC
5. Advanced Deployment Patterns
Namespaces in Kubernetes
Working with namespaces
Adding functionality with sidecars
Adding a service mesh using sidecars
Analyzing traffic with Linkerd
Extending Kubernetes with operators and Custom Resource Definitions
6. Development Tools
Tools for DRY deployments: Motivation
Tools for DRY deployments: Helm
Tools for DRY deployments: Kustomize
Tools for DRY deployments: Advice
Advanced Debugging: kubectl debug
Advanced Debugging:
Advanced Debugging: kubectl sniff
Just like being there: skaffold
Just like being there: telepresence
Running your clusters
Where to find additional information
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