What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
Exploring the router
1. Accessing the Router
The Cisco 1841 router
Using out-of-band router access
Exploring terminal emulation
Introducing to user mode, privileged mode, and global configuration mode
Using the built-in help
2. Global Commands
Configuring a router hostname
Disabling IP domain lookup
Creating a banner message
Saving the active config and viewing the start and run files
3. Secure Management Access
Securing console and Telnet access
Securing Privileged EXEC mode access
Encrypting passwords
4. Configuring Interfaces
Viewing the router interfaces
Configuring ethernet interfaces
Configuring serial interfaces
Configuring the loopback interface
5. Configuring Static and Default Routes
Introducing the routing table and static routes
Working with recursive static routes
Using directly connected static routes
Configuring default static routes
6. Configuring Dynamic Routing
Understanding dynamic routing
Introducing the RIPv2 routing protocol
Basic RIPv2 configuration
Configuring passive interfaces and forwarding the default route
7. Verifying Configurations
Displaying route configuration
Displaying running and startup configurations
Displaying interface configurations
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