Explore the benefits of FormIt Pro
Exercise files
1. Software and Features
What is FormIt Pro?
Access and install the product
BIM 360 Docs or local storage
Pulldowns and toolbars
Shortcuts and context menus
The grid and the axis
Create linework
Create surfaces
Create forms
The benefit of groups
The benefit of layers for visibility
2. Modeling: Energy Study Workflow
Project location and orientation
Manage the image and rotate the grid
Site context using imported files
Create apartment A: Primitive
Create apartment B: Sketch and mirror
Create apartment C: Separate AXM file and linework
Assign levels for an energy study
Balcony type A: Extruding tools
Balcony type B: Sweeps
Balcony type C: Lofting tools
Linear arrays of balconies
Set axis and model shade roof
Site context: Surrounding buildings
Review weather data and submit to Insight
The Insight dashboard
3. Modeling: Project Presentation Workflow
Setup for modeling
Create 3D forms in groups for building components
Create Autodesk materials
Create surfaces for FormIt materials
4. Presentation
Select sun settings
Visual styles
Create a camera animation
Analyze the model for solar access
Fly or walk through your model
5. Interoperability
Export FormIt content to other formats
Create and use a sharing session
Convert Revit families to FormIt families
Import a SketchUp file to a FormIt file
Batch convert SketchUp file to FormIt
From FormIt to Revit
Dynamo-driven forms
Dynamo plugins
Revit Insight
(454.8 MB)