Course overview
What this course covers
1. Getting Started
Modern JavaScript
Setting up project dependencies
Project structure and configurations
2. Node as a Web Server
Node modules
The HTTP/HTTPS modules
Creating an Express server
Using the EJS template language
3. React Basics
React elements and JSX
React components
Component composability
Components with modules
Component state
Component life cycle
4. Working with Data
Loading the test data
Displaying a list of objects
Using Sass with Node
Reading from the state
Fetching data from a remote API
5. Rendering on the Server
Fetching data from the server side
Server rendering with ReactDOMServer
Fix the checksum problem
6. Routing on Client and Server
Handling the contest click event
Navigating to a contest
Looking up the contest on route change
Fetching contest information from the API
A bit of refactoring
Server-side routing for a contest
Navigating to a list of contests
Handling the browser's back button
7. Working with MongoDB
Reading data from MongoDB
API to fetch a list of names
Displaying the list of names
Example script to update all data
Converting the application to use _id
Creating an API to propose a name
Wiring the proposed new name form
Challenges and QA
Alternatives: MERN and Electrode
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