What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files
1. Why Visual Communication Matters
The power of infographics
What is visual communication?
The science behind visual communication
2. Types of Visual Communication
What is an infographic really?
What is a motion graphic?
What is an interactive infographic?
What other types of visual communication exist?
3. The Rules of Infographic Design
Always think about CON-text
Focusing on one message
People care less than goldfish
Good content is 50% of a successful infographic
Using correct data visualizations throughout
4. The Process of Infographic Design
Researching your infographic
Wireframing your infographic using Adobe Illustrator
Setting your design up for success
Adobe Illustrator and the graphing tools
Adobe Illustrator quick tips
Managing edits
Challenge: Editing infographics
Solution: Editing infographics
5. How to Get Your Infographic Seen
Planning ahead
Marketing do's and don'ts
Understanding PR and HARO
Measuring success
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