What you should know
1. Shell Scripting Basics
Printing to the console
The shebang
Creating and using variables
Passing parameters
Challenge: Create a script
Solution: Create a script
2. Branching and Loops
The if statement
The else clause
The elif clause
The while loop
The for loop
Using break and continue
Challenge: Counter
Solution: Counter
3. Environment Variables
Reading environment variables
Standard environment variables
Challenge: Display a variable
Solution: Display a variable
4. Functions
The basics of functions
Using parameters
Challenge: Pipes and functions
Solution: Pipes and functions
5. File Operations
Reading files
Writing files
File checksums
Challenge: Read a text file
Solution: Read a text file
6. Sleep and Process
Using the sleep command
Watching a process
Challenge: Watch a script
Solution: Watch a script
7. Interactive Scripts
Getting input from users
Handling bad data
Challenge: Guessing game
Solution: Guessing game
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