What you should know before watching
Using the exercise files
1. Intro to NetBeans
What is NetBeans?
Install the Java Development Kit
Install NetBeans
Tour of NetBeans interface, part1
Tour of NetBeans interface, part 2
2. Templates, Projects, and Debugging
File templates
Code templates
Code snippet
Project importing and exporting
The debugger
3. Managing Services
Connect to a database
App servers
Web services
4. Desktop Development: JavaFX
Create the project
Create a GridPane layout
Add text, labels, and text fields
Add a button and text
Add code to handle an event
5. Web Development - PrimeFaces
Create the project
Create entity classes
Create the UI
Deploy and execute the app
6. Working with Clean Code
Organize the environment
Refactoring: Variables and methods
Look and feel of your code
Organization with action items
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