Learn Oracle Database: Why 19c?
What you should know
1. Oracle Database Architecture
Memory, storage, and processes
Startup and shutdown
Dynamic performance views (V$)
2. Database Setup on Linux
RPM Install
Prepare the OS for installation
Run the Oracle 19c installer (Grid Infrastructure)
Run the Oracle 19c installer (Database)
3. Database Navigation
Cloud Database
SQLcl command-line tool
SQL Developer GUI
Database Express
4. The Oracle SQL Language
The ANSI SQL language standard
5. SELECT Statements
SELECT statements: Capabilities and columns
Use the WHERE clause
SELECT statement transformations
What are NULL values?
How to use NULL values
6. DML Statements
Add rows to a table
Delete rows from a table
Update rows in a table
7. DDL Statements
Create a table
Drop a table
Add or remove columns
8. Managing Tablespaces
Create a tablespace
Assign tablespaces to users
Drop tablespaces
9. Security
Create a user account
Drop a user account
Lock a user account