Learn Oracle Database: Why 19c?
What you should know
1. Oracle Database Architecture
Memory, storage, and processes
Startup and shutdown
Dynamic performance views (V$)
2. Database Setup on Linux
Prepare the OS for installation
Run the Oracle 19c installer (Grid Infrastructure)
Run the Oracle 19c installer (Database)
RPM Install
3. Database Navigation
SQLcl command-line tool
SQL Developer GUI
Database Express
Cloud Database
4. The Oracle SQL Language
The ANSI SQL language standard
5. SELECT Statements
SELECT statements: Capabilities and columns
Use the WHERE clause
SELECT statement transformations
What are NULL values?
How to use NULL values
6. DML Statements
Add rows to a table
Delete rows from a table
Update rows in a table
7. DDL Statements
Create a table
Drop a table
Add or remove columns
8. Managing Tablespaces
Create a tablespace
Assign tablespaces to users
Drop tablespaces
9. Security
Create a user account
Drop a user account
Lock a user account