What you should know
Using the exercise files
CoderPad tour
1. Relational Database Basics
Database management systems (DBMS)
Relational structures
Get to know your RDBMS options
The database development lifecycle
2. Preventing Data Anomalies
Relational database advantages
Remove duplicate information
Eliminate inconsistent data
Break data down into its components
Prevent data conflicts
Require complete information
Maintain a consistent structure
3. Gathering Requirements
Understand the goal
Review the current system
Discover actors and tasks
Interview the client
Work with historical values
Identify exceptions and irregularities
4. Developing the Conceptual Data Model
Understand entities and tables
Develop relationships
Develop subtypes and supertypes
Utilize lookup tables
Draft the initial data model
5. Normalizing Your Data
Identify key fields
First normal form
Second normal form
Third normal form
6. Logical Design Considerations
Follow a naming convention
Data types and precision
Create junction tables
Apply integrity constraints
Enforce referential integrity
Build indexes
7. Developing the Physical Database
Move from planning to construction
Solution: Create the tables with CoderPad
Solution: Establish relationships with CoderPad
Solution: Write queries in CoderPad
Create the tables in Access
Establish relationships in Access
Write queries in Access
Create the tables in SQL Server
Establish relationships in SQL Server
Create views in SQL Server
Implement the plan
Next steps
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