Boris FX Silhouette
Overview of Silhouette
How to use the exercise files
Reloading missing footage
1. Workflow
The Silhouette interface
Setting up a project
Working with nodes
Working with objects, layers, and mattes
Optimizing, playing back, and rendering
2. Rotoscope
Additional masking techniques
3. Key and Matte
Isolating a foreground with shapes
Keying a green screen with zMatte
Adjusting alpha mattes and spill suppressing
Using secondary mattes
4. Motion Track
Point tracking
Applying tracking data
Connecting Composite nodes
Tracking masks
Planar tracking
5. Paint Fix
Introduction to the Paint node
Additional paint techniques
6. Transform and Warp
Animating properties and transforms
Overview of image warping tools
Time warping
7. Grade and Adjust
Color matching
Adding film, video, and stylistic effects
(785.7 MB)