Using the exercise files
1. Opening, Viewing, and Editing Files
Touring the interface
Switching between files
Handling encodings and line endings
Basic editing features
Clipboard features
Working on multiple files at once
Working with projects
Finding and replacing
2. Customizing Your Editor
Changing preferences
Recommended settings
Package Control
Adding custom color schemes
Adding custom themes
Creating custom key bindings
3. Power Editing
Expanding selections of code
Transposing and swapping code
Bookmarking a position in the file
Using the Goto Anything command
Navigating your project by indexed symbols
Using the command palette to access seldom-used shortcuts
Using multiple selections to edit multiple lines simultaneously
Creating a multiple selection using matches
Using multiple selections to edit large amounts of text
Switching into Vintage mode to make Sublime Text work more like Vim
4. Automation
Autocompleting code
Using snippets in code
Using macros in code
5. Essential Packages
ColorPicker and GutterColor
More packages
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