Dive into using VBA in Excel
What you should know
1. Visual Basic for Applications
Introduce object-oriented programming
Examine the Excel object model
Work in the Visual Basic Editor
Set VBA project properties
Create, export, and delete code modules
Create a subroutine
Create a function
Add comments to your code
Run a VBA routine
Add code to a recorded macro
2. Defining Variables, Constants, and Calculations
Introduce Excel VBA data types
Declare variables and require declaration before use
Manage variable scope
Define static variables and constants
Create a calculation using mathematical operators
Define arrays
Define and use object variables
Streamline code references using With…End With statements
3. Adding Logic to Your VBA Code
Repeat a task using a For...Next loop
Step through all items of a collection using a For...Each loop
Repeat a task using a Do loop
Perform a task when conditions are met using an If...Then statement
Select which action to take using a Case statement
4. Debugging Your VBA Code
Manage errors using On Error statements
Step through a subroutine or function
Set breakpoints in your code
Verify output using the Immediate window
Watch a value in a routine
5. Managing Workbook Elements and Data in VBA
Write a value to a cell
Cut, copy, and paste cell data
Find values in cells
Refer to cells using the OFFSET function
Concatenate text strings
Return part of a string
Manage worksheets with VBA
Manage workbooks with VBA
6. Adding Advanced Elements to Your Workbook
Turn off screen updating when you run a macro
Use worksheet functions in a macro
Acquire values using an input box or message box
Call a subroutine from another subroutine
7. Using Excel Events in Your VBA Code
Run a procedure when you open, close, or save a workbook
Run a procedure when a cell range changes
Trigger a procedure using a specific key sequence
8. Putting It All Together
Apply techniques in a capstone project
Further information
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