What you should know before watching this course
1. Windows 10 Deployment Options
Overview of the deployment process
To upgrade or wipe and reload?
Lite Touch Installation (LTI) deployment of Windows 10
Zero Touch Installation (ZTI) deployment of Windows 10
2. Upgrading to Windows 10
Windows 10 versions
Overview of the Windows 10 upgrade process
Upgrading to Windows 10
3. Tools of the Trade
Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) toolkit
Windows Deployment Services (WDS)
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT)
System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)
4. Putting It All Together with MDT
Overview of the MDT process
Installing and configuring WDS
Installing WADK and MDT
Creating an MDT deployment share and adding OSs
Creating a task sequence
Creating a MDT deployable image
Combining WDS and MDT
Deploying an Windows 10 image
Overview of advanced MDT functionality
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